Regular Meeting of
the Roxbury Mount Arlington
Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation
Wednesday, March 9,
7pm to 10pm
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence
for Art Ondish
3. NJ Open Public Meetings Law
a. This meeting has
been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the
“Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231
4. Roll Call
Paula D. Jerry F.
Craig H. Larry M. Gene P.
Vincent R. Chris R. Steve S. Laurel W.
Fred H. Nancy A. Anthony F. George H.
Roger J.
5. Introduction of Elected Officials and/or
Recognition of Their Representatives
6. Election and Installation of Officers, If
Swearing in
of new Roxbury designated Commissioners:
a. Installation of Fran Day as Commissioner,
replacing Maureen Castriotta who has resigned from the commission - Fran Day recited the Oath for
b. Installation of Dan Kline as Alternate Commissioner,
replacing Larry Millus who moved to Commissioner from Alternate Commissioner This was tabled until the April meeting due
to Mr. Kline’s absence
7. Introduction of Guest Speaker or
Presentation, If Applicable
Gina Genovese introduced former Mayor of Princeton Township,
Chad Goerner
8. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited
to 3 Minutes per Person)
9. Secretary’s Report
a. Correspondence
b. 2016-13 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation
Study Commission approves the minutes for February 10, 2016. See attached
Motion: ___GP______seconded: _JF________
Y Paula D. A Fran D.
Y Jerry F. YLarry M. Y Vincent R. YChris R.
Steve S. Y Laurel W. Nancy A.
Anthony F. Dan K. Fred H. Y Gene P.
Y Craig H. Yeas__8____ Nays__0_____
10. Treasurer’s Report
c. 2016-14 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation
Study Commission approves the expenditures from February 11, 2016 to March 9,
2016. See attached
Motion: ____GP_____seconded: __VR_______
Y Paula D. Y Fran D.
Y Jerry F. Y Larry M. Y Vincent R.
Y Chris R. Steve S. Y Laurel W.
Nancy A. Anthony F. Dan K. Fred H. Y Gene P.
Y Craig H. Yeas__9____ Nays__0_____
11. Chairman’s Report
Craig spoke about his planned attendance at the Assembly and
Senate Budget hearings. Need to send new
OPRA to Loretta Radulic – involve Walter L only if needed.
Discussed a suggestion Chad mentioned concerning getting
information out to the public, letting them know about our efforts and status
of some key tasks
12. Committee Reports
a. Data Collection – Chair Craig Heard
b. Municipal Government – Chair Laurel Whitney
c. Education – Chair Gene Paradiso (addition
Fran Day)
d. Finance/Administration – Chair Jerry Frisco
e. DPW / Utilities – Chair Paula Danchuk
f. Police/Fire/EMS – Chair Larry Millus
g. Personnel – Chair Vincent Reilly
h. Shared / Social Services – Chair Fred Hall (addition
Fran Day)
i. Grants Committee – Chair Jerry Frisco-(additions-Chris
Raths & Heather)
13. Resolutions
14. Old/Unfinished Business
15. New Business
16. Public Comment
Lewthwaite from Chester
commented on Chester Twsp & Chester Borough. He is trying to get a consolidation effort
17. Motion to adjourn:
Motion: ____FD_____seconded: ____PD_____
Paula D. Fran D.
Jerry F. Larry M. Vincent R.
Chris R. Steve S. Laurel W.
Nancy A. Anthony F. Dan K. Fred H. Gene P.
Craig H. Yeas__9___ Nays___0____
Adjournment 8:40