Monday, October 26, 2015

Notice of Public Hearing - November 11, 2015


Notice is hereby given pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:65-25(d)(1) that the Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission scheduled for November 11, 2015 will be held at the Roxbury Recreation Office, 72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, New Jersey 07876.  The meeting will begin at 7:00pm.  Formal action may be taken.

A copy of the agenda may be viewed in advance at the Roxbury Town Hall, the Mount Arlington Town Hall or online at  

Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Dated: October 26, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015

2016 Commissioner Roster

Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Meeting Address - Roxbury Recreation Office, 72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
Mailing Address – PO Box 78, Landing, NJ 07850

Nancy Absalon
Secretary and Alternate (Mount Arlington)

Frances Day

Paula Danchuk
50 Elizabeth Way, Landing, NJ 07850
973 202 4239

Lee Loughridge,
Mount Arlington Municipal Appointment
419 Howard Blvd., Mount Arlington, NJ 07856

Jerry Frisco
19 Kadel Drive, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856
973 713 5625

George Haeuber
31 West Linwood Ave, Maple Shade, NJ 08052
New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
856 419 8166

Fred Hall
Roxbury Municipal Appointment
1715 Route 46, Ledgewood, NJ 07852
973 927 6185

Craig Heard
2 Alcott Way, Succasunna, NJ 07876
973 219 4542

Roger Jinks
New Jersey Department of Education
30 Schuyler Place, PO Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963
973 285 8332

Larry Millus

Gene Paradiso
Vice Chairperson
206 Howard Blvd.  Mount Arlington, NJ 07856
973 398 4967

Chris Raths
Roxbury Municipal Appointment
1715 Route 46, Ledgewood, NJ 07852
973 219 0617 / 973 448 2003

Vincent Reilly
17 Cynthia Drive, Succasunna, New Jersey 07876
973 668 1680

Melissa Fostle

Mount Arlington Municipal Appointment
419 Howard Blvd., Mount Arlington, NJ 07856

Laurel Whitney

September 9, 2015 Minutes

Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
September 9, 2015     7pm – 10pm


1.      Call to Order
a.       Chairman Heard called the meeting to order at 7:04pm

2.      Pledge of Allegiance
a.       Chairman Heard led the commission in the pledge of allegiance

3.      NJ Open Public Meetings Law
a.       Secretary Rogers stated, “This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231

4.      Roll Call
a.       The following were in attendance:  Maureen Castriotta, Jerry Frisco, Chris Raths, Vincent Reilly, Chris Rogers, Stephen Sadow, Laurel Whitney, Gene Paradiso, Craig Heard, Larry Millus, Fred Hall, George Haeuber, Roger Jinks
b.      The following were absent:  Paula Danchuk (arrived after the meeting for subcommittee meetings), Nancy Absalon and Anthony Fernandez

5.      Introduction of Elected Officials and/or Recognition of Their Representatives
a.       none

6.      Election and Installation of Officers, If Applicable
a.       none

7.      Introduction of Guest Speaker or Presentation, If Applicable
a.       none

8.      Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited To 3 Minutes Per Person)
a.       none

9.      Secretary’s Report
a.       Correspondence
                                                  i.      Secretary Chris Rogers stated there was no correspondence
                                                ii.      2015-501     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the minutes for August 12, 2015.  See attached
1.      Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the minutes from August 12, 2015.  Jerry Frisco made the second.
2.      Chris Raths asked why Steve Sadow’s comments on spending 300K on the study were relevant. 
3.      Chris Rogers stated he was quoting Steve Sadow from a public meeting over a year ago.
4.      Maureen Castriotta - Abstain, Jerry Frisco - Y, Chris Raths - Y, Vincent Reilly - Y, Chris Rogers - Y, Stephen Sadow - Abstain, Laurel Whitney - Y, Gene Paradiso - Y, Craig Heard – Abstain     Motion passes

10.  Treasurer’s Report
a.       Bank Account Balance
                                                  i.      Gofundme page still hasn't had any activity since last meeting. Waiting for a Facebook or twitter page to promote and share it. In the meantime, please view and share:
                                                ii.      I will create a new income accounting category to include the funds raised from Courage to Connect NJ Video so we can track it separately.
                                              iii.      Bank balance = $5108.84 (unchanged from last two months)
                                              iv.      The following contribution(s) were received n/a
                                                v.      Expenditures:
1.      $11.44 from the Daily Record for 8/12 meeting notices
2.      Haven't received invoice for Roxbury Register meeting notice yet but it should be under $1 judging from past notices
                                              vi.      Reports available at any time
                                            vii.      Gofundme: 5% + 2.9% = 7.9% plus .30 per donation
b.      2015-502      RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the donations from August 13, 2015 to September 9, 2015.  See attached
c.       2015-503     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the expenditures from August 13, 2015 to September 9, 2015.  See attached
                                                  i.      Chris Raths made a motion to approve the donations and expenditures from August 13th, 2015 to September 9th, 2015.  Jerry Frisco made the second.
                                                ii.      Maureen Castriotta stated that we should create a press release for the Go Fund Me Account
                                              iii.      Maureen Castriotta - Y, Jerry Frisco - Y, Chris Raths - Y, Vincent Reilly - Y, Chris Rogers - Y, Stephen Sadow – Y, Laurel Whitney - Y, Gene Paradiso - Y, Craig Heard – Y     Motion passes

11.  Chairman’s Report
a.       Chairman Heard stated that he sent the Courage to Connect Video to everyone to look at.  Please send him input so we can take action on it at the next meeting
b.      Chairman Heard stated that he would like to table taking action on approving Walter Luers as our attorney and work with the town representatives to secure the information that the commission requires.

12.  Committee Reports
a.       Bylaws Committee (ADHOC)
                                                  i.      Chairman Heard stated that he would like to disband the Bylaws committee
b.      Technology Committee (ADHOC)
                                                  i.      Chairman Heard stated that he would like to absorb the Technology committee in to the Data Collection committee
c.       Fundraising Committee (ADHOC)
                                                  i.      Chairman Heard stated that he would like to change the Fundraising committee to the Grants committee. 

13.  Resolutions
a.       none

14.  Old/Unfinished Business
a.       Insurance
                                                  i.      Larry Millus requested insurance information from his carrier.  He should have more information in the next two weeks

15.  New Business
a.       Sub Committee Meetings
1.      Chris Raths noted that he was not on the Police and Fire committee.
2.      Chairman Heard added Chris Raths to the Grant committee
3.      Chairman Heard stated that committees need to review their task and target timelines
4.      Chairman Heard stated that we as a commission need to have accurate and precise requests for information
5.      Laurel Whitney asked how long it would take to put a question out to referendum after the commission has made a recommendation?
6.      Steve Sadow stated the commission should check with the board of elections
7.      Fred Hall stated to check with the county clerk
8.      Chris Rogers asked George Haeuber if this was a DCA question?
9.      Gene Paradiso asked if the DCA had a review process?
10.  George Haeuber stated there was no review process.  The decision only had to be filed with the DCA
11.  Steve Sadow noted that Chairman Heard avoided using the word OPRA.  He stated that Mount Arlington will only fill requests of the commission to the letter of the law.  OPRA requests will be required.
12.  Steve Sadow asked if there would be go/no go points during the process
13.  Chairman Heard stated that he would like to see a June 2017 target date for a recommendation to be made
14.  Gene Paradiso stated that once a baseline and comparative data has been reviewed, the commission would be in a better position to find out if we should go further
15.  Chris Rogers stated that partial consolidation is a possibility.  Therefore, go / no go points may not be practical as this does not have to be an all or nothing recommendation
16.  Fred Hall asked if partial consolidation was in question
17.  George Haeuber stated that it was possible to recommend
18.  Gene Paradiso asked if everyone had a copy of the bylaws?
19.  Chris Rogers stated he would put them on the website prior to the next meeting
20.  Craig Heard stated he would like to get a monthly update from each chair going forward.  After the meeting, finance, education, data collection and shared services should meet.
21.  Maureen Castriotta asked if chairs could call meetings going forward?
22.  Craig Heard stated he would like chairs to do so.
                                                ii.      Data Collection – Craig Heard
1.      Craig Heard stated that the Data Collection committee would discuss the need for an attorney in committee
2.      Steve Sadow stated that OPRA is clear.  The clerk has a responsibility to acknowledge if documents exist.  He also cautioned committee members to be careful of what is written in emails.  He stated that a fleet inventory document does not exist.  A large town like Paterson may have one, but Mount Arlington does not.  OPRA does not require the town to create documents that do not exist
3.      Vincent Reilly stated that each committee should put together a list of what they need and give it to the data collection committee
4.      Larry Millus stated that there is a fixed list of assets
5.      Steve Sadow stated that the requestor should be on point as much as possible
6.      Chris Raths stated that each department would have a fixed asset list with their insurance submission
7.      Fred Hall stated that the requestor should be as direct and concise as possible.  Go to the clerks and ask best practices to make this as efficient as possible
8.      Gene Paradiso stated that he suggested a couple of meetings ago that the commission should meet with the clerks.  He is not looking to add to anyone’s workload
9.      Steve Sadow stated that the commission should meet with the clerks
10.  Craig Heard stated that all requests should be coming from the data collection committee.  He should be the contact person to make requests.
11.  Gene Paradiso stated that he would be the person if Craig Heard is not around
12.  Steve Sadow agreed that the requests should only come from one person
13.  Chris Raths stated that a system should be in place going forward
14.  Chris Rogers stated that he would be putting all old documents from previous meetings on the website so the public would not have to OPRA any documents from the commission
15.  Chairman Heard asked the agenda committee to meet every 4th Wednesday at 7pm
                                              iii.      Municipal Government – Laurel Whitney
                                              iv.      Education – Gene Paradiso
1.      Roger Jinks stated that there was no money at the DOE to fund the study.  He stated that preliminary documents could be reviewed by his office
2.      Craig Heard asked who we should lobby to get funding from the DOE?
3.      Roger Jinks stated that was not his role.
4.      George Haeuber stated that we should ask our state legislative leaders.
                                                v.      Finance/Administration – Jerry Frisco
                                              vi.      DPW / Utilities – Paula Danchuk
                                            vii.      Police/Fire/EMS – Larry Millus
                                          viii.      Personnel – Vincent Reilly
                                              ix.      Shared / Social Services – Fred Hall

16.  Public Comment
a.       none

17.  Adjournment

a.       Chairman Heard adjourned the meeting at 7:48pm

August 12th, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
7:00pm, August 12, 2015


1.      Call to Order
a.       Vice Chair Gene Paradiso called the meeting to order at 7:08pm

2.      Pledge of Allegiance
a.       Vice Chair Gene Paradiso led the commission in the pledge of allegiance

3.      NJ Open Public Meetings Law
Vice Chair Gene Paradiso read aloud, This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231

4.      Roll Call
a.       The following were in attendance:  Nancy Absalon, Paula Danchuk, Anthony Fernandez, Jerry Frisco, Larry Millus, Gene Paradiso, Chris Raths, Vincent Reilly, Chris Rogers, Laurel Whitney
b.      The following were absent:  Maureen Castriotta, George Haeuber, Fred Hall, Craig Heard, Roger Jinks, Steve Sadow

5.      Introduction of Elected Officials and/or Recognition of Their Representatives
a.       none

6.      Election and Installation of Officers, If Applicable
a.       none

7.      Introduction of Guest Speaker or Presentation, If Applicable
a.       Gina Genovese, Courage to Connect NJ – Fundraising Video Presentation
                                                  i.      Gina Genovese played the crowd sourcing video she prepared
                                                ii.      The donate button goes to Razzu
                                              iii.      Donations will be kept separate and not co-mingled with other Courage to Connect money
                                              iv.      Video will ask for $20 donations
                                                v.      End of Septemeber is the target date for completion
                                              vi.      Gene Paradiso asked if the donors info will be retained?
                                            vii.      Gina Genovese stated that Courage to Connect will not hold any billing info.  It will be captured by Razzu
                                          viii.      Laurel Whitney asked if this a model for other towns to do the same?
                                              ix.      Wendy stated that you can add a personal message when you share the video
                                                x.      Anthony Fernandez stated that he was unhappy that the Mount Arlington School in one of the slides was bigger than the Roxbury School
                                              xi.      Larry Millus stated that we should include the opposing views in the video
                                            xii.      Chris Rogers stated that the video showed the possibility of saving taxes and better service.  It did not guarantee it.
                                          xiii.      Anthony Fernandez stated that he is here to listen and is not in favor of the video
                                          xiv.      Gina Genovese stated that the big school and little school were easy to change
                                            xv.      Wendy stated that we could just use town one and town two in place of town names
                                          xvi.      Gina Genovese stated that she is not pro-consolidation.  Instead she works at making sure it is an option for communities to study
                                        xvii.      Gina Genovese stated she is currently working with Flemington and Raritan.  The choice to consolidate has to benefit both towns
                                      xviii.      Gene Paradiso stated the voters will decide
                                          xix.      Anthony Fernandez stated the video is one sided
                                            xx.      Gina played the video a second time
                                          xxi.      Gene Paradiso stated that the statement “help bring together” should state “help determine if they would be good together”
                                        xxii.      Anthony Fernandez stated the video was all pro consolidation
                                      xxiii.      Nancy Absalon suggested that the boy in the video could say “help fund the study” rather than “help fund the consolidation’
                                      xxiv.      Paula Danchuk stated the video should state “help fund the commission”
                                        xxv.      Gina Genovese spoke about the differences between shard services and consolidation
                                      xxvi.      Anthony Fernandez stated that he was not pro consolidation.  He stated that he was not going to be happy with the video no matter what you do
                                    xxvii.      Gina Genovese stated that there was no money from the state to fund the study
                                  xxviii.      Anthony Fernandez asked why Gina Genovese was targeting kids in the video
                                      xxix.      Gina Genovese stated that you have to appeal to the emotional side of the issue
                                        xxx.      Jerry Frisco stated that the research agrees with this
                                      xxxi.      Gina Genovese stated that she requested a timeline of the petitioners actions from Chris Rogers
                                    xxxii.      Chris Rogers stated that Gina’s organization is offering to raise money for the commission with private donations.  Critics of the study commission should be happy that we are attempting to do this with private money.  Steve Sadow had previously stated that the study would cost the taxpayers of both towns $300,000.
                                  xxxiii.      Gina Genovese stated that this fundraising effort would be a barometer of public support
                                  xxxiv.      Nancy Absalon asked if a line item could be added to the treasurer’s report?
                                    xxxv.      Gina Genovese showed the video again as Chris Raths entered the room
                                  xxxvi.      Gene Paradiso stated that we don’t currently need a resolution and that we would seek to approve the video at the September meeting
                                xxxvii.      Vincent Reilly asked if there was a question on the ballot for Flemington and Raritan?
                              xxxviii.      Gina Genovese stated that it was a non binding resolution to gauge the interest of the residents of each town.  This is similar to an effort in the Mendham’s a few years ago.  In that case one was interested and one was not.
                                  xxxix.      Gene Paradiso thanked Gina Genovese for her and her organizations efforts

8.      Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited To 3 Minutes Per Person)
a.       none

9.      Secretary’s Report
a.       Correspondence
                                                  i.      Secretary Chris Rogers stated there was no correspondence
·         2015-401     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the minutes for July 8, 2015.  See attached
o   Chris Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes from August 12, 2015.  Paula Danchuk made a second.
o   Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Gene Paradiso – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Laurel Whitney – Y, Motion Passes

·         2015-402     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the updated commissioner roster for August 12, 2015 for publishing.  See attached
o   Chris Rogers made a motion to approve commissioner roster from August 12, 2015.  Paula Danchuk made a second.
o   Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Gene Paradiso – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Laurel Whitney – Y, Motion Passes

10.  Treasurer’s Report
a.       Bank Account Balance
                                                  i.      Treasurer Laurel Whitney stated there were no expenses or donations from July 9, 2015 to August 12, 2015
·         2015- 403    RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the donations from July 9, 2015 to August 12, 2015.  See attached
o   Laurel Whitney made a motion to approve the donations from July 9, 2015 to August 12, 2015.  Chris Rogers made a second.
o   Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Gene Paradiso – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Laurel Whitney – Y, Motion Passes

·         2015- 404    RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the expenditures from July 9, 2015 to August 12, 2015.  See attached
o   Laurel Whitney made a motion to approve the expenses from July 9, 2015 to August 12, 2015.  Chris Rogers made a second.
o   Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Gene Paradiso – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Laurel Whitney – Y, Motion Passes

11.  Chairman’s Report
a.       Vice Chair Gene Paradiso stated he and Craig Heard met with Superintendent Jamison and Superintendent Tierney.  They were cordial and cooperative and were willing to work with the commission. If an OPRA is needed for requests, they will let us know.  They asked each to participate in the Education Committee
b.      Vice Chair Gene Paradiso stated that he had created an OPRA form for the website and asked if there was an existing email address
                                                  i.      Laurel Whitney stated there was an existing email address
                                                ii.      Chris Rogers stated that we should wait until an attorney reviews OPRA policies prior to posting
                                              iii.      Anthony Fernandez stated that we have not yet voted to approve an attorney
                                              iv.      Chris Rogers stated that Craig Heard has been speaking to the attorney who offered to work for us on a pro bono basis. 
                                                v.      Gene Paradiso stated he will reach out to Craig Heard to find out the next steps

12.  Committee Reports
a.       Bylaws Committee (ADHOC)
·         2015-405     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the proposed Bylaws. See attached
                                i.            Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the bylaws as presented.  Laurel Whitney made a second.
                              ii.            Gene Paradiso stated that the bylaws do not preclude the commission from recommending a partial consolidation
                            iii.            Gene Paradiso also stated that the committee removed the policy section as that would mean it would take 2/3 vote to change any policy added to the bylaws
                            iv.            Chris Raths told the committee they did good work
                              v.            Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Gene Paradiso – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Laurel Whitney – Y, Motion Passes
                            vi.            As the bylaws state that alternates can vote for absent members of the commission, Gene Paradiso noted that Larry Millus was able to vote for Maureen Castriotta and Anthony Fernandez was able to vote for Steve Sadow

a.       Technology Committee (ADHOC)
                                            i.            Chris Rogers stated there was no update

b.      Fundraising Committee (ADHOC)
                                            i.            Jerry Frisco stated there was no update

13.  Resolutions
a.       Vice Chair Gene Paradiso stated there were no further resolutions at this time

14.   Old/Unfinished Business
a.       Insurance
                                            i.            Gene Paradiso stated that the insurance quote that was received was retracted
                                          ii.            Chris Rogers asked if we could ask Courage to Connect if we could use their insurance for meeting purposes?
                                        iii.            Chris Raths asked if we need insurance?
                                        iv.            Larry Millus stated that he would get a quote
                                          v.            Gene Paradiso stated that we would table for now and continue to seek quotes as we continue to receive donations

14.  New Business
a.       Sub Committee Meetings
                                                  i.      Data Collection, Craig Heard
1.      Gene Paradiso stated there was no report
                                                ii.      Municipal Government, Laurel Whitney
1.      Laurel Whitney stated that the committee is in the process of creating a baseline.  Next meeting is not yet scheduled
                                              iii.      Education, Gene Paradiso
1.      Gene Paradiso passed out Education Committee Minutes
2.      Anthony Fernandez stated that there would likely be duplication in some committees
3.      Jerry Frisco stated that we should have joint meetings
4.      Gene Paradiso stated that we should read the purposes of each committee and communicate monthly.  Put all requests for information through Craig Heard who chairs the Data Collection Committee
                                              iv.      *Finance/Administration
1.      Gene Paradiso asked this committee to meet tonight
                                                v.      DPW / Utilities, Paula Danchuk
1.      Paula Danchuk stated there was no report but Chris Raths has sent charts to the committee
                                              vi.      *Police/Fire/EMS
1.      Gene Paradiso asked this committee to meet tonight
                                            vii.      *Personnel
1.      Gene Paradiso asked this committee to meet tonight
                                          viii.      *Shared / Social Services
1.      Gene Paradiso asked this committee to meet tonight
*=committee to meet tonight

15.  Public Comment
a.       Ralph Nappi
                                                  i.      Ralph Nappi stated that the commission has spoken to both superintendents of schools.  He asked if they were both cooperating
                                                ii.      Gene Paradiso stated they were
                                              iii.      Ralph Nappi asked if anything had been requested via OPRA.
                                              iv.      Gene Paradiso stated that nothing had yet been requested and the commission is trying not to use OPRA
                                                v.      Ralph Nappi asked when the next Education Committee would be?
                                              vi.      Gene Paradiso stated that it had not been scheduled, however it would be when Craig Heard gets back

16.  Adjournment

a.       Vice Chair Gene Paradiso adjourned the meeting at 9:48pm

What is consolidation all about?