Friday, October 9, 2015

July 8th, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
7:00pm, Wednesday, July 8th, 2015


1.      Call to Order
·         Chairman Heard called the meeting to order at 7:02pm

2.      Pledge of Allegiance
·         Chairman Heard led the commission in the pledge of allegiance

3.      NJ Open Public Meetings Law
·         Secretary Rogers read the following: This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231

4.      Roll Call
·         The following were in attendance:  Maureen Castriotta, Paula Danchuk, Jerry Frisco, Chris Raths, Vincent Reilly, Chris Rogers, Steven Sadow, Gene Paradiso, Craig Heard, Nancy Absalon, Larry Millus, Fred Hall, George Haeuber, Roger Jinks
·         The following were absent:  Laurel Whitney, Anthony Fernandez

5.      Introduction of Elected Officials and/or Recognition of Their Representatives
·         None

6.      Election and Installation of Officers, If Applicable
·         None

7.      Introduction of Guest Speaker or Presentation, If Applicable
·         None

8.      Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited To 3 Minutes Per Person)
·         None

9.    Secretary’s Report
·         Correspondence
o   Secretary Rogers reported that there was no correspondence for the month
·         2015-301     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the minutes for June 10th, 2015.  See attached
o   Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the minutes of June 10th.  Paula Danchuk made a second.
o   Steve Sadow stated that allowing Walter Luers to give us legal advice would be a conflict of interest as he has previously sued Mount Arlington Borough
o   Paula Danchuk stated that she believed he sued Roxbury as well
o   Chris Raths suggested to add this is duly noted to the minutes, and that some commissioners have reservations regarding his advice
o   Maureen Castriotta – Abstain, Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Steven Sadow – Abstain, Laurel Whitney – Absent, Gene Paradiso – Y, Craig Heard – Y      Motion Passes

10.   Treasurer’s Report
·         Bank Account Balance
o   Secretary Rogers read the bank account balance as reported by Treasurer Whitney:  As of July 8, 2015 the total balance is $5108.84
o   Donations  from June 11, 2015 to July 8, 2015 total $39.31
o   Expenses from June 11, 2015 to July 8, 2015 total $39.31
·         2015-302      RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the donations from May 7th to June 10th, 2015.  See attached
·         2015-303     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the expenditures from May 7th to June 10th, 2015.  See attached
o   Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the donations and expenses from June 11th to July 8th 2015.  Paula Danchuk made a second.
o   Maureen Castriotta – Abstain, Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Steven Sadow – Abstain, Laurel Whitney – Absent, Gene Paradiso – Y, Craig Heard – Y      Both Motions Pass

11.   Chairman’s Report
·         Chairman Heard circulated a copy of the commissioner roster.   He stated that a commissioner wished to not make their contact information public.  He asked that everyone amend their information should they wish to do so, so the commission can publish the updated copy on the website.  The roster was circulated and a new amended roster will be circulated at the next meeting and posted to the website.
·         Chairman Heard reported that we will have a short meeting tonight.  He would like to see the newly formed committees break out into committees after the meeting adjourns so members can get a jump on committee business.
o   Steve Sadow stated that information requested from Mount Arlington should be requested through OPRA
o   Chris Raths stated that each community should decide how they wished to fulfill the information requests
o   Steve Sadow stated that the commission should have a policy as to how it will request information
o   Craig Heard stated that all information requests should be directed to the commission chair and the data collection committee.
o   Vincent Reilly asked when will the commission know the information policy of Mount Arlington Borough?
o   Steve Sadow stated that he will ask the council and report back at the next commission meeting.
o   Nancy Absalon stated that Steve Sadow has not been present at several meetings.  She stated that the commission discussed the ability to pull information from websites if it was available online.
o   Steve Sadow stated that some information, such as human resources, is not online.
o   Chris Raths stated that many employment contracts are required to be online.
o   Paula Danchuk stated that she has to use OPRA as a councilperson 

12.   Committee Reports
·         Bylaws Committee (ADHOC)
o   Gene Paradiso asked for feedback on the most recent version of the draft bylaws
o   Chris Rogers stated the correct name of the commission is the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
o   Chris Rogers asked for clarity on alternates voting on normal business.
o   Gene Paradiso explained that “appointed” refers to the municipal commissioners.  “Other” commissioners refers to everyone else.  If an appointed commissioner resigns, an appointed alternate from the same municipality will replace them.  If any other commissioner resigns, the alternate commissioner from the corresponding municipality will replace them.  The commission will replace appointed alternates through the municipality that selected them.  The commission will replace all other alternates by a majority vote.
o   Chris Rogers stated that the commission was already out of balance as 6 commissioners live in Roxbury and 4 live in Mount Arlington
o   Gene Paradiso explained that this was okay with the Mount Arlington petitioners and that Vincent Reilly owned property in both towns.
o   Maureen Castriotta stated that this process is not what the petitioners envisioned.  The petitioners voted to appoint commissioners based on experience, not address.
o   Chris Rogers asked that the verbiage under the secretary’s duties pertaining to OPRA requests be deleted.  It should instead be listed under the chair’s duties.
o   Steve Sadow asked how we planned to safeguard records.
o   Nancy Absalon stated that we already covered this at a prior meeting
o   Chris Rogers stated he would give monthly folders to the chair to be safeguarded.
o   Chris Raths asked that the commission should delete the word “recall” from the section labeled vacancy of office
o   Chris Rogers stated that we should change the word “could” to “shall” under the causes to remove a commissioner.
o   Steve Sadow stated that the reasons for removal should be left open
o   Jerry Frisco stated that is should be left alone
o   Craig Heard stated it should be clearly defined why we are removing a commissioner
o   Gene Paradiso stated he would change the word from could to shall
o   Chris Rogers asked for clarification regarding advertising upcoming meetings in the newspaper
o   Vincent Reilly asked for clarification regarding what the commission was in the eyes of the state and if we were required to advertise meetings
o   In response to Vincent Reilly’s question, Steve Sadow asked if this was an effort to save a few dollars
o   Chris Rogers suggested that we advertise the meetings regardless as we had originally agreed
o   Chris Raths recommended that we advertise anyway as well as send to both townships
o   Chris Rogers asked that the majority of the commission be able to call a special meeting as the chair already calls the normal meetings
o   Paula Danchuk stated the only reason we would need to call a special meeting without the chair’s consent would be to remove him. 
o   Maureen Castriotta stated that most governing bodies allow the majority of the members to call a special meeting
o   Chris Rogers asked if alternates count as part of the quorum? 
o   Steve Sadow suggested that 6 commissioners or alternates filling in for commissioners should achieve a quorum
o   Chris Raths suggested that we should not allow an unbalanced commission to occur
o   Gene Paradiso stated that the change should be made regarding the commission chair appointing committee chairs. 
o   Craig Heard suggested the committee should elect its own chair
o   Gene Paradiso asked if the data collection committee could meet with both towns and school boards
o   Chris Raths stated that “Incidental” under finances should be changed to a lower case i
o   Chris Rogers asked if all expenditures under 100.00 still need to be approved by the chair, just not voted on by the full commission prior to authorizing.  The commission will eventually have the opportunity to vote on all expenditures and donations.
o   Craig Heard suggested that all documents released from committee to be voted on by the full commission should be released to the public prior to a vote.
o   Chris Rogers asked if we should determine where excess funds should go at the time of decommission
o   Gene Paradiso stated he would delete the bullets under the policy section the bylaws
o   Maureen Castriotta stated she was not in favor of a 2/3 vote.
o   Chris Raths stated he was not in favor of a 2/3 vote
o   Nancy Absalon stated that we should be consistent
o   Steve Sadow stated that we should stay consistent
o   Chris Raths suggested that we should only leave the 2/3 vote for removing bylaws and removing commissioners
o   Gene Paradiso stated he would make corrections and send out to everyone

·         Technology Committee (ADHOC)
o   No update
·         Fundraising Committee (ADHOC)
o   Jerry Frisco stated he would contact agencies and will document efforts regarding his fundraising efforts. 
o   Maureen suggested that we give a presentation to the Morris County Freeholders
o   Craig Heard asked George Haeuber if we can fundraise?
o   George Haeuber stated that we can.

13.   Resolutions
·         TABLED - 2015-304     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the proposed Bylaws. See attached

14.   Old/Unfinished Business
·         Insurance
o   Gene Paradiso gave an update on insurance quotes
o   Craig Heard stated that Gina Genovese did not think this would a good use of funds
o   Chris Rogers stated that she did not attach any strings to the donation given to us by Courage to Connect, however he agreed that it did not make sense to spend that much on an insurance policy at the moment.
o   Steve Sadow stated that the commission should examine what it is getting for such a low premium
o   Chris Raths stated he would talk to some local agencies that specialize in municipal work

15.   New Business
·         Sub Committee Meetings
o   Data Collection
o   Municipal Government
o   Education
o   Finance/Administration
o   DPW / Utilities
o   Police/Fire/EMS
o   Personnel
o   Shared / Social Services
·         Chairman Heard asked for feedback on committee selections.  He asked members of the public to sit in on the committee meetings.  He also asked the committees to search out members of the community to participate in these committees
·         Steve Sadow asked if alternates can serve as committee chairs?  All agreed.
·         Gene Paradiso asked if he could set up meetings with each board of education?  All agreed.

16.   Public Comment
·         Charlie Alpaugh stated the Roxbury Historic Trust will be hosting an Ice Cream Social from 12-4pm this Sunday at 209 Main Street in Succasunna
17.   Adjournment
·         Chris Raths made a motion to adjourn.  Gene Paradiso made a second.  All agreed.  No role call taken.

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