Friday, October 9, 2015

June 10th, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
7:00pm, Wednesday, June 10, 2015


·         Chairman Craig Heard opened the meeting at 7:02pm

·         Secretary Chris Rogers read:  This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231.

·         Chairman Craig Heard led the commission in the flag salute

4.      OATH
·         Vice Chairman Gene Paradiso swore in Fred Hall as an alternate commissioner

5.      ROLL CALL
·         The following members were present:  Paula Danchuk, Jerry Frisco, Chris Raths, Vincent Reilly, Chris Rogers, Laurel Whitney, Gene Paradiso, Craig Heard, Nancy Absalon, Fred Hall, Anthony Fernandez, Rosalie Lamonte
·         The following members were absent:  Maureen Castriotta, Steven Sadow, Larry Millus and George Haeuber

·         Gina Genovese, Executive Director of Courage to Connect spoke to the commission
o   Gina emphasized the need to experiment with Crowd Sourcing
o   She and her organization would like to produce a short video to enable the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission to crowd source
o   The concept of crowd sourcing enables 100’s of people to give smaller amounts
o   This would also show support from the community
o   If we agree, she will have the video ready for our view in about 2 months
o   The money raised from this effort would be earmarked solely for the Roxbury Mount Arlington effort
o   Laurel Whitney asked if there was a script?
o   Gina Genovese stated that she would produce and we could review prior to going live.
o   Craig Heard asked if the video would show a history of the effort up until now?
o   Gina Genovese said yes and that sharing our story would create more information for everyone, even outside of the area
o   Fred Hall stated this would be a great way of reaching people and getting their opinion and possibly funding
o   Anthony Fernandez asked if we we were targeting local or statewide support?
o   Gina Genovese said we could use it for both.  It would also allow us to collect names and other information.  Gina stated she had a following outside of New Jersey, in areas such as New York state
o   Jerry Frisco said he supported the effort
o   Gene Paradiso said he supported the idea
o   Gina said that she was currently working with Loch Arbor on new consolidation ideas
o   They are working on the idea of absorbing Loch Arbor into another town
o   There has been 35K set aside by the government entity for this effort
o   However, bids came back around 65-70K to complete the Loch Arbor study
o   She suggested a potential speaker by the name of Joe Hartnet
o   Gene Paradiso asked if he was willing to answer questions and would he charge a fee.
o   Gina Genovese stated he would charge a fee to do a study or partial study
o   Jerry Frisco stated that he was working on grants with Gina.  They would like to meet with the Freeholders and possibly the Rutgers Research Center, etc
o   Gina Genovese stated that during the South Hunterdon Regionalization, the unions start a new contract after dissolution.   The new contract is not tied to the current contracts, however during negotiations the largest of the 2 school districts (population) is the contract used in the interim period.  They did not use the highest salary guide as the interim contract.

2015-205     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study accepts the offer of Courage to Connect NJ to create a video regarding the ongoing study to be reviewed for the purposes of crowd sourcing.  There is not cost to the commission.

·         Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the donation and expenditure lists.  Paula Danchuk made a second.
·         Maureen Castriotta – Absent, Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Steven Sadow – Absent, Laurel Whitney – Y, Gene Paradiso – Y, Craig Heard – Y      Motion Passes

·         Walter Luers, Attorney, spoke about the Open Public Records Act and the Open Public Meetings Act.
o   Walter Luers stated he is an attorney from Clinton, NJ.   He specializes in OPRA and OPMA litigation.
o   Walter Luers stated he is offering his advice on a volunteer or pro bono basis.
o   Walter Luers stated to retain him, we should document the agreement.
o   Walter Luers stated there are limitations to his retention.  He would have to agree separately to represent us if litigation was involved.
o   Walter Luers complimented the commission stating that we did not have to ask him questions in public.   Normally questions towards an attorney could be done in closed session.
o   Craig Heard asked if emails are applicable to OPRA? 
o   Walter Luers stated we should assume we are subject to OPRA and OPMA
o   Walter Luers stated that draft documents and working documents are exempt.  He also stated that the commission should minimize email communication.  He said to pick up the phone if one commissioner would like to speak to another.  The major exceptions to OPRA are documents which contain personal privacy issues, bank records, account numbers and passwords.
o   Craig Heard asked since we are a grass roots organization, what is the liability to us personally.
o   Walter Luers stated that we should have no personal liability as it pertains to most commission business.
o   Walter Luers stated that we are most likely subject to OPRA and OPMA as we are an instrument of the state.  However, he was not aware of any other case identical to our situation
o   Walter Luers stated we should be as open as possible
o   Vincent Reilly asked if there was a legal entity within the state to tell us what we are?
o   Walter Luers stated there is a state organization called the Government Records Council.  They issue advisory opinions.
o   Walter Luers stated that the League of Municipalities is a good example of an advisory opinion not being accurate.   The GRC stated they were not subject to OPRA.  A legal decision by the court disagreed.
o   Craig Heard asked how would the government define us regarding lawsuits and insurance?  Walter stated the Department of Community Affairs would be the right place to ask that question.
o   Laurel Whitney asked if our email policy should be to behave as if we are subject to all state laws regarding OPRA and should we use personal email accounts?
o   Walter Luers stated if was very important to use commission email accounts.  He cited an example of a councilperson in another town being fined by the state for refusing to hand over email records.
o   Walter Luers stated the commission must appoint a records custodian and create and post an official form to receive OPRA requests.  The commission must produce a form, however the requestor is not required to use it.
o   Walter Luers stated that a person using a personal email account is putting themselves at risk.  He also stated that using township emails may also create problems
o   Chris Raths asked if the commission was required to have a mechanism in place to secure approval from the individual commissioner prior to releasing information?  He also asked if there was anything in the OPRA law that precluded a commissioner from opening their own account?
o   Walter Luers stated he would not recommend opening a personal email account
o   Walter Luers stated he was not aware of an approval mechanism, however most records custodians contact the person subject to the OPRA request to let them know records are being released.  He also stated that no one was precluded from opening their own email account, but it was not a good idea in his opinion.
o   Anthony Fernandez asked if information from a personal email account could be accessed in an OPRA request?
o   Walter Luers stated that personal emails on even an official account were not subject to OPRA. 
o   Laurel Whitney asked if the commission should have dedicated email addresses? 
o   Walter Luers stated that the commission should have them.  Personal email use is not ideal.  He stated that the commission is required to respond to an OPRA request within a timeframe depending on the document.  The commission is not required to necessarily give the document in that amount of time – only respond.  If the document is not readily available, just ask the requestor for an extension.
o   Paula Danchuk asked the status of Senator Weinberg’s new OPRA legislation?
o   Walter Luers stated that changes may be made if the legislation is passed.
o   Chris Rogers asked about the liability of the records custodian should a request not be fulfilled correctly.
o   Walter Luers stated that the records custodian / secretary would have to knowingly and willfully choose to not produce the documents to be held personally liable.
o   Chris Rogers asked about the litigation exposure to the entire commission?
o   Walter Luers stated that we should minimize our liability by being as open as possible.  If an individual commissioner chooses to not hand over documents subject to OPRA, make it known that it is the individual commissioner that refuses, not the entire commission.
o   Chris Rogers asked about our adherence to the Open Public Meetings Act.  
o   Walter stated that he was not sure if we were subject to the Open Public Meetings Act.  However, we should send a copy of our legal notices to the clerks in both towns, transmit a notice to the newspapers (1 daily, 1 weekly) and post online within 48 hours of a meeting.  Entities are not required to pay for these notices.
o   Gene Paradiso asked if we should secure an insurance policy?
o   Walter Luers stated that we would probably have individual immunity.  D and O insurance can’t hurt. 
o   Chris Raths stated that the end product of the commission is only an advisement.
o   Gene Paradiso stated that we may need general liability insurance for a meeting held in another location.

·         Secretary Rogers gave the Secretary’s report
o   Correspondence – Treasurer’s Activity Report May 6 – June 8, 2015, Highlands State Bank statement April 30, 2015, The Recorder Publishing Company April 2015 Invoice, Gannett NJ April Invoice, The Recorder Publishing Company May 2015 Invoice, Gannett NJ June Invoice, Highlands State Bank Debit Card Paperwork, Technology Committee Minutes May 1, 2015

2015-201  RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the minutes for May 6th 2015.  See attached
§  Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the minutes.  Paula Danchuk made a second.
§  An individual roll call was not done.  All were in favor, none opposed.  Motion passes.

·         Treasurer Whitney gave the Treasurer’s report
o   Bank Account Balance - $5136.56
o   Treasurer Whitney stated that the fundraising website was
o   Chris Raths asked if we should have a policy to fundraise?  He suggested going to the Chamber of Commerce to limit the perception of only targeting certain businesses
o   Treasurer Whitney stated that it should be our policy to not exclude anyone
o   Vincent Reilly asked if public agencies can fundraise?  We should get an answer from the DCA before we start.
o   Fred Hall stated we should ask the DCA what we are considered legally?
o   Craig Heard said he would call the DCA to ask and get something in writing.

2015-202RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the donations from May 7th to June 10th, 2015.  See attached


2015-203     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the expenditures from May 7th to June 10th, 2015.  See attached

·         Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the donation and expenditure lists.  Paula Danchuk made a second.
·         Maureen Castriotta – Absent, Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco – Y, Chris Raths – Y, Vincent Reilly – Y, Chris Rogers – Y, Steven Sadow – Absent, Laurel Whitney – Y, Gene Paradiso – Y, Craig Heard – Y      Motion Passes

·         Chairman Heard spoke about Meeting Procedures
o   Craig stated to please ask to be recognized and be respectful of interruptions.  We will follow Roberts Rules of Order
o   Craig also stated he would not be present on August 12, 2015

·         Insurance
o   Gene Paradiso got a quote for insurance
o   Laurel Whitney also got a quote
o   Chris Raths will contact a firm that specializes in Insurance
o   Chris Rogers suggested that since the insurance policy is really there to protect our finances, should we set a fundraising goal before investing in an insurance policy?
·         Meeting Locations
o   Anthony Fernandez stated that the Mount Arlington schools want an insurance policy to meet there.  The Mount Arlington library closes at 8pm. He spoke to the Mayor of Mount Arlington and Steve Sadow and they are both aware of the problem.
o   Nancy Absalon asked about the possibility of the meeting at the local VFW 
o   Chris Rogers said he was contacted by the VFW and they declined

·         Bylaws Committee
o   Gene Paradiso presented the draft minutes for the commission’s review
o   Vincent Reilly questioned the duties of the records custodian
o   Chris Raths asked if the statement – secretary will read the minutes – could be deleted
o   Fred Hall asked if we should list the names of the newspapers to be notified for meetings
o   Chris Rogers and Chris Raths questioned the need for a supermajority on any action
o   Rosalie Lamonte stated that we should define the removal of commissioners.  Example – absenteeism, etc 
o   Nancy Absalon asked if we should have an annual term for officers?
o   Chris Raths asked about the Data Collection committee.  He suggested that most of the information we are looking for should be on the website already.
o   Chris Raths applauded the By Laws committee for their work
·         Technology Committee
o   No report
·         Fundraising Committee
o   No report
·         DCA
o   No reprot
·         DOE
o   Rosalie Lamonte gave a copy of the Mount Arlington School District study done by James Kirtland to the commissioners.  James Kirtland also completed the South Hunterdon study.
o   Rosalie Lamonte stated that the study in South Hunterdon was done by placing a question on the ballot to pay for the study.
o   Rosalie Lamonte also stated that she is being reassigned to Sussex and Warren county as a representative of the DOE.  She will be replaced by Roger Jinks who will be the new Morris and Union DOE representative.
o   Chris Rogers stated he would add Roger Jink’s information to the roster. 



TABLED - 2015-204     RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the proposed Bylaws. See attached

·         Chairman Heard passed out a tentative assignment list to establish committees.   He asked everyone to email him with any suggestions or objections.

·         Ralph Nappi complimented the commission on their attention to detail on the draft bylaws


·         Chris Raths made a motion which was seconded by Gene Paradiso to close the meeting.  All agreed.  The commission adjourned at 10:15pm

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