Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
7pm to 10pm
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. NJ Open Public Meetings Law
a. This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231
4. Roll Call
Paula D. Fran D. Melissa F. Jerry F. Craig H. Larry M (7:10). Gene P. Vincent R. Laurel W. Dan K. Bob D. Nancy A. Lee L. Roger J.
5. Introduction of Elected Officials and/or Recognition of Their Representatives MTA Mayor Michael Stanzillis
6. Election and Installation of Officers, If Applicable
7. Introduction of Guest Speaker or Presentation, If Applicable
8. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited to 3 Minutes per Person)
9. Secretary’s Report
a. 2018-16 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for June 13, 2018. NOTE: see attached,
Motion: FRAN seconded :Laurel
Paula D. _Y_ Fran D. _ Y _ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. _ Y _ Laurel W. _ Y _ Dan K. ___ Bob D. _A_ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. _ Y _ Gene P. _ Y _ Craig H. _ Y _
Yeas: _ 7___ Nays: _______ Abstain: 3
b. 2018-17 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for June 27, 2018. NOTE: see attached,
Motion: Vincent seconded: Jerry
Paula D. _Y_ Fran D. _ Y _ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. _Y_ Larry M. __ Vincent R. _ Y _ Laurel W. _ Y _ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. _ Y _ Gene P. _ Y _ Craig H. _ Y _
Yeas: _ 9___ Nays: _______ Abstain: 1
10. Treasurer’s Report
- Bank Account Balance - ($9,669.63)
- Donations - $0.00
- Expenditures - $0.00
- 2018-18 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the Treasurer’s Report for period June 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018. See attachedMotion: Gene seconded: FranPaula D. _Y_ Fran D. _ Y _ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. _Y_ Larry M. _Y Vincent R. _ Y _ Laurel W. _ Y _ Dan K. ___ Bob D. _Y_ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. _ Y _ Gene P. _ Y _ Craig H. _ Y _Yeas: _ 10___ Nays: _______ Abstain:11. Chairman’s Report-Update regarding: DCA LOCAL FINACE BOARD EXTENSION REQUEST
- Committee reports – Status, Target Completion Date
- Use new excel top level summary sheet
- Be sure and show projection of staffing reduction (attrition) to insert in year 1-3 (Statute requires)
- Setup meeting with MA and Roxbury Department heads for each area to review
- Consultants Status Report
- Received draft and distributed to each Committee for review
- I advised Anthony and Robyn not to proceed until we review each section with our works.
- Incentive Payment Addendum – check being mailed (we have signed addendum)
- Report Reviews
- Update OPRA details
- MTA - Municipal Personnel – Job Descriptions, Compensation Departmental breakdown
- I discussed with Mayor and Beth and we sent sample of last year.
- Commission vacancies – Attendance/missed meetings.
- Point person to set up Municipal Meetings -John Sheppard, Lee Loughridge12. Committee Reportsa. Data Collection – Chair Craig Heard - Discuss Committee Report Analysisb. Municipal Government – Chair Laurel Whitney Receivedc. Education – Chair Gene Paradiso Met with MA and Roxbury Education Committees.d. Finance/Administration – Chair Jerry Frisco Received – reviewed, needs current datae. DPW / Utilities – Chair Paula Danchuk Received – in Reviewf. Police/Fire/EMS – Chair Larry Millus Received – in Reviewg. Personnel – Chair Vincent Reilly Received – in Reviewh. Shared / Social Services – Chair Jerry Frisco Received – Reviewed, needs current datai. Grants Committee – Chair Jerry FriscoReports were reviewed and discussed resulting in the following general comments
- Discussed report formatting
- Use of charts in place of numerical verbiage
- Insert chart to summarize savings for consolidated view and excel layout
- Get updates back to Craig & Gene ASAP13. ResolutionsEXECUTIVE Session2018-XX RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission - enter into Executive Session to discuss -Motion: seconded:Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:2018-XX RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission - Close Executive Session and return to OPEN -Motion: seconded:Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:14. Old/Unfinished Business15. New Business2018-XX RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approvesMotion: seconded:Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:16. Public Comment17. Adjournment 8:25 pmMotion: Paula seconded: JerryPaula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___Yeas: _ALL___ Nays: _______ Abstain: