SPECIAL Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
7pm to 10pm
1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. NJ Open Public Meetings Law
- This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the "Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act," P.L. 1975, c. 231
Paula D. Fran D. Melissa F. Jerry F. Craig H. Larry M. Gene P. Vincent R. Laurel W. Dan K. Bob D. Nancy A. Lee L.
8. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited to 3 Minutes per Person)
9. Secretary’s Report
Review Agenda Items
10. Treasurer’s Report
- Bank Account Balance - $6,463.47
- Donations - $0.00
- Expenditures – None
Motion: ______ seconded: _______
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
11. Chairman’s Report
DCA meeting update
- Testimony on 9-11-2019 to DCA
- Equalization
- DCA did not finalize their report to Commission as required in Statute
- With Equalization applied, no savings to MTA
- Avenues to revise Statute would require significant resources.
- DCA Statute flawed as evidenced by Commissioner at DCA meeting
- a) Our Commission first to get this far
- b) We promised not to proceed if both Roxbury and Mount Arlington did not benefit.
Update on Management Consultants Report
Discuss Commission’s next steps.
- a) Financial wrap-up
- b) Communications – Website
- c) Report to DCA
2019-21 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission accepts MFC’s Consolidation Report and approves final payment of $1,500 and upload to Commission Website
Motion: ______ seconded: _______
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
2019-22 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission accepts Larcy Associates, LLC’s Consolidation Financial Report and approves final payment of $5,000 and upload to Commission Website
Motion: ______ seconded: _______
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
2019-23 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission accepts donation of $36.53
Motion: ______ seconded: _______
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
2019-24 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission presents the following for consideration;
Whereas, the Commission gathered data from various sources, including Roxbury Township and the Borough of Mount Arlington for its efforts to identify if any, potential tax savings might result if the municipality and township were consolidated
Whereas, the Commission and an independent consultant, Municipal Finance Management Consultants LLC, analyzed the data gathered and arrived at a conservative possibility that a consolidation could render approximately a $9,227,212 to $11,803,549 in yearly savings
Whereas, the Commission identified facilities that could be repurposed or sold, which monies are not included in the identified savings
Whereas, the Commission engaged Laracy Associates LLC, a CPA to analyze how the resulting proposed consolidation savings would be affected by the Consolidation Statute without Equalization applied and that analysis, by Laracy, resulted in property taxes being reduced between 7.52% to 10% in Roxbury and 12.7% to 15% for Mount Arlington
Whereas, the CPA analysis determined that after the application of Equalization in the Statute, the result was an unequal distribution of the tax savings, whereby Mount Arlington would not benefit at all
Whereas the Consolidation Commission mission promised that it will not recommend that an affirmative consolidation question be presented to the Public for a vote if the proposed savings did not benefit both Roxbury and Mount Arlington
Now, therefore, be it resolved, the Commission will dissolve at the end of its term, December 31, 2019.
Motion: ______ seconded: _______
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
13. Old/Unfinished Business
14. New Business
15. Adjournment____ :____ pm
Motion: ______ seconded: _______
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
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