Sunday, December 6, 2015

DRAFT Minutes - November 11, 2015

Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
Wednesday, November 11, 2015


1.      Call to Order
a.       Chairman Heard called the meeting to order at 7pm

2.      Pledge of Allegiance
a.       Chairman Heard led the commission in the pledge of allegiance

3.      NJ Open Public Meetings Law
a.       Secretary Rogers stated, This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231

4.      Roll Call
a.       The following were in attendance:  Paula Danchuk, Jerry Frisco, Vincent Reilly, Chris Rogers, Stephen Sadow, Laurel Whitney, Gene Paradiso, Craig Heard, Nancy Absalon, Larry Millus, Fred Hall, George Haeuber
b.      The following were absent:  Maureen Castriotta, Chris Raths, Anthony Fernandez, Roger Jinks

5.      Introduction of Elected Officials and/or Recognition of Their Representatives
a.       none

6.      Election and Installation of Officers, If Applicable
a.       none

7.      Introduction of Guest Speaker or Presentation, If Applicable
a.       Chairman Heard stated that Don Parisi, of the Fanwood  / Scotch Plains Consolidation Study, would not be able to attend today.  He will schedule him for a later meeting

8.      Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited To 3 Minutes Per Person)
a.       Veronica Silkes, Succasunna Road in Mount Arlington, of the Mount Arlington Mirror stated that she received a question from a subscriber of her publication.  She asked what documents were denied from the municipal Mount Arlington government and if the same documents were requested from the municipal Roxbury government.
b.      Gene Paradiso stated that the items were denied as they did not exist except for one
c.       Laurel Whitney stated that the description of the documents were not specific enough
d.      Gene Paradiso stated that Chris Raths from Roxbury is providing the documents without an OPRA request
e.       Paula Danchuk stated that the request is being reformatted to fit the specific requirements of Mount Arlington
f.       Craig Heard stated that each town has specific requirements for requested information.

9.      Secretary’s Report
a.       Correspondence
                                                  i.      Secretary Rogers stated there was no correspondence
b.      2015- 801   RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the minutes for October 14, 2015.  See attached
                                                  i.      Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the minutes, Paula Danchuk seconded the motion
                                                ii.      Laurel Whitney asked that the word minutes be changed to treasurer’s reports under the treasurer’s report resolution
                                              iii.      Maureen Castriotta - Absent, Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco - Y, Chris Raths - Absent, Vincent Reilly - Y, Chris Rogers - Y, Stephen Sadow - Y, Laurel Whitney - Y, Gene Paradiso - Y, Craig Heard – Y     Motion passes

10.  Treasurer’s Report
a.       Bank Account Balance
                                                  i.      Treasurer Whitney stated that she did research on the 501c status.  She stated that the organization did not fit the 501c3 status, but did fit the 501c4 status.  The cost to apply for the status would be about 400 dollars.  She would have to fill out forms with the IRS and then have a non profit accountant or attorney review the documents. 
                                                ii.      Treasurer Whitney stated the GOFUNDME account received a 100 donation and 2 deposits were made to the bank account from the GOFUNDME account.  Each were 100 dollars and each had fees of 8.20. 
                                              iii.      Treasurer Whitney stated there was one expense from the Roxbury Register for 12.56. 
                                              iv.      Treasurer Whitney stated the bank balance is currently $5080.68.  Bank statements will now be coming electronically to reduce time delays
                                                v.      Stephen Sadow stated that we should have a professional research the 501c status before proceeding
                                              vi.      Gene Paradiso asked about the deposit
                                            vii.      Laurel Whitney stated that one deposit was already accounted for on a prior report
                                          viii.      Craig Heard stated that his corporate accountant could review the 501c4 status
                                              ix.      Stephen Sadow stated he had no problem with that
                                                x.      Gene Paradiso stated that he supported having a professional look at the details
                                              xi.      Fred Hall stated that several Roxbury sports teams had problems with this a few years back and we want to make sure to get it right
                                            xii.      Craig Heard stated that he will seek an opinion from a professional if all agree.
b.      2015- 802   RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the donations from October 14, 2015 to November 11, 2015.  See attached
c.       2015- 803   RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the expenditures from October 14, 2015 to November 11, 2015.  See attached
                                                  i.      Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the treasurer’s reports, Paula Danchuk seconded the motion
                                                ii.      Maureen Castriotta - Absent, Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco - Y, Chris Raths - Absent, Vincent Reilly - Y, Chris Rogers - Y, Stephen Sadow - Y, Laurel Whitney - Y, Gene Paradiso - Y, Craig Heard – Y     Motion passes

11.  Chairman’s Report
a.       Chairman Heard stated that the commission meetings need more order.  Please do not interrupt others and wait to be recognized.
b.      Chairman Heard stated that he contacted Senator Kean and Senator Bucco regarding state funding of the Municipal Consolidation Act.  Senator Kean told him to contact Senator Bucco.  Senator Bucco has not replied to date.  Craig Heard stated he would send an email to Senator Bucco reminding him to respond.
c.       Chairman Heard stated that Fred Hall had a budget book for Roxbury copied and arranged for the commission.  He thanked Fred Hall for his efforts.
d.      Craig Heard stated the commission was on schedule for the December meeting.
e.       Craig Heard stated he planned to reach out the school superintendents and the town clerks to clarify requests before they are made
f.       Fred Hall stated he would like to be present for the meeting with the Roxbury municipality
g.      Gene Paradiso stated the commissions goal should be to reduce expenses during the process
h.      Laurel Whitney stated the requests should get out as soon as possible as to not bottle neck the clerks
i.        Chairman Heard reached out to Gina Genovese regarding the video from the last meeting.  He stated her organization incurred a significant expense on our behalf and she felt comfortable she could raise 10 to 20 thousand dollars for our effort by using the video.  In turn, this money could be used to pay for a professional to review the commissions findings.
j.        2015-804    RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study approves the video prepared by Courage to Connect New Jersey.  The video will be used to educate the public and raise funds for the consolidation study of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission.
                                                  i.      Gene Paradiso made a motion to approve the video prepared by Courage to Connect New Jersey, Paula Danchuk seconded the motion
                                                ii.      Gene Paradiso asked if she would be distributing the video or would it be a joint effort
                                              iii.      Craig Heard stated it would go to her mailing list as well as ours
                                              iv.      Laurel Whitney stated the need for the video and the need to pay for a professional to review the commission findings.  She stated we have the capacity to do the report, but we should have an extra layer of security.
                                                v.      Stephen Sadow stated he was not sure how that comment fits, but disagrees on the ability of this board to finalize a report.  He stated he was sorry that the representative from Fanwood / Scotch Plains was not here as he believes the commission is doing this backwards.  He stated we should have a professional gather the information and the commission should then interpret the information and make a recommendation.  He stated there are 30 thousand lives impacted and we do not have a professional doing the job properly.
                                              vi.      Nancy Absalon stated that this conversation was off topic and the video is good and will help to have a paid professional verify the numbers
                                            vii.      Gene Paradiso stated that he agreed
                                          viii.      Maureen Castriotta - Absent, Paula Danchuk – Y, Jerry Frisco - Y, Chris Raths - Absent, Vincent Reilly - Y, Chris Rogers - Y, Stephen Sadow - N, Laurel Whitney - Y, Gene Paradiso - Y, Craig Heard – Y     Motion passes

12.  Committee Reports
a.       Data Collection – Chair Craig Heard
                                                  i.      Craig Heard stated he already made his comments during the Chair report
b.      Municipal Government – Chair Laurel Whitney
                                                  i.      Laurel Whitney stated that no further information was needed and she will have an updated draft to the committee shortly
c.       Education – Chair Gene Paradiso
                                                  i.      Gene Paradiso stated that he was fine tuning the report and was waiting on requests to be made for documentation.  He stated that he has been receiving a warm response from Jane Jameson and Robin Tedesco.
d.      Finance/Administration – Chair Jerry Frisco
                                                  i.      Jerry Frisco stated he was waiting on a few responses from Chris Raths and then he will submit information requests to Data Collection
                                                ii.      Craig Heard asked if he could meet with someone from both towns before making the request
                                              iii.      Stephen Sadow stated the request is to be made to the Mount Arlington clerk and then it will go to the borough attorney
                                              iv.      Gene Paradiso asked why the request had to go to the attorney before the commission met with the clerk?
                                                v.      Jerry Frisco asked if we can find out what documents are standard from town to town?
                                              vi.      Fred Hall stated that audit reports and capital budgets were standard documents.  The commission just has to ask.
                                            vii.      Paula Danchuk stated that council members have copies of these documents.  Could she give them to the commission to reduce costs?
                                          viii.      Larry Millus stated that unapproved documents should not be released by anyone
                                              ix.      Vincent Reilly asked if financial statements and audit reports are the same?
                                                x.      George Haeuber stated they are different.
                                              xi.      Gene Paradiso stated that an audit report is to make sure the flow of money goes to the right place
                                            xii.      George Haeuber stated this was correct
                                          xiii.      Fred Hall stated that the commission should request a statement of controls
e.       DPW / Utilities – Chair Paula Danchuk
                                                  i.      Paula Danchuk stated that she will get a final document request list once the committee meets.  She stated that both towns have unusual water supplies.
                                                ii.      Fred Hall stated that the Roxbury garbage contract was coming due this year
f.       Police/Fire/EMS – Chair Larry Millus
                                                  i.      Larry Millus stated that the insurance company will not cover the commission as the risk level is unknown
                                                ii.      Laurel Whitney sent him information on the request for the JIF
                                              iii.      Larry Millus stated that he spoke to a superior at Bernardsville and he has a better understanding of what information to look for.  He will report back at the next meeting
g.      Personnel – Chair Vincent Reilly
                                                  i.      Vincent Reilly stated that he had nothing more to request at this time and that all information was on the websites.  However, both towns are not in the same format.  Once he views the copies made by Fred Hall, he may have additional requests
h.      Shared / Social Services – Chair Fred Hall
                                                  i.      Fred Hall stated that all departments are in the Roxbury Budget Book.  He is a bit behind right now, but he will have more to report at the next meeting. 
                                                ii.      Stephen Sadow stated that he has additional information on Mount Arlington Shared Services
                                              iii.      Fred Hall stated he will meet in committee
i.        Grants Committee – Chair Jerry Frisco
                                                  i.      Jerry Frisco had nothing additionally to report

13.  Resolutions
a.       none

14.  Old/Unfinished Business
a.       Insurance
                                                  i.      Larry Millus explained why the insurance coverage was denied.  The company has no experience dealing with an organization such as this. 
                                                ii.      Laurel Whitney stated that the high quote still stands.

15.  New Business
a.       Chairman Heard asked if all commissioners will be in attendance at the December 9th meeting? 
b.      Jerry Frisco stated that he would be out of town and will not be in attendance
c.       Laurel Whitney stated that per the bylaws, it is time to audit the financials. 
d.      Craig Heard appointed Nancy Absalon and Vincent Reilly to the ADHOC committee
e.       Chris Rogers stated that he would be resigning from the commission at the end of 2015 as he and his wife plan to sell their home in Roxbury
f.       Gene Paradiso asked the procedure to replace a sitting commissioner
g.      Chris Rogers stated that per the bylaws, Larry Millus should assume the commissioner seat and the commission should then choose a candidate to be a Roxbury alternate.
h.      Craig Heard stated that the commission would have to elect a new secretary

16.  Public Comment
a.       none

17.  Adjournment
a.       Chairman Heard adjourned the meeting at 8:07pm

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