Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
7pm to 10pm
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. NJ Open Public Meetings Law
a. This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231
4. Roll Call
Paula D. Fran D. Melissa F. Jerry F. Craig H. Larry M.(7:14) Gene P. Vincent R. Laurel W. Dan K. Bob D. Nancy A. Lee L.
5. Introduction of Elected Officials and/or Recognition of Their Representatives
6. Election and Installation of Officers, If Applicable
7. Introduction of Guest Speaker or Presentation, If Applicable
Gina – Courage-to-Connect NJ
Mark Magyar
8. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited to 3 Minutes per Person)
9. Secretary’s Report
Review Agenda Items
a. 2019-14 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for January 9, 2019. NOTE: see attached,
Motion: Fran seconded: Vincent
Paula D. _Y_ Fran D. _ Y _ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. _ Y _ Larry M. _ Y _ Vincent R. _ Y _ Laurel W. _ Y Dan K. _ Y _ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. _ Y _ Craig H. _ Y _
Yeas: _ 9__ Nays: _______ Abstain:
b. 2019-15 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for June 26, 2019. NOTE: see attached,
Motion: Laurel seconded: Jerry
Yeas: _ 8__ Nays: _______ Abstain:
c. 2019-16 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for July 11, 2019. NOTE: see attached,
Motion: Paula seconded: Vincent
Paula D. _ Y _ Fran D. _ Y _ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. _ Y _ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. _ Y _ Laurel W. _ Y _ Dan K. ___ Bob D. _ Y _ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. _ Y _ Gene P. _ Y _ Craig H. _ Y _
Yeas: _9 ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. _ _ Fran D. _ _ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. _ _ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
10. Treasurer’s Report
- Bank Account Balance - $5988.97
- Donations - $0.00
- Expenditures – $21.17, $159.49, $2,500
2019-17 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves Treasurer’s Report
Motion: Laurel seconded: Jerry
Paula D. _ Y _ Fran D. _ Y _ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. _ Y _ Larry M. _ Y _ Vincent R. _ Y _ Laurel W. _ Y _ Dan K. ___ Bob D. _ Y _ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. _ Y _ Gene P. _ Y _ Craig H. _ Y _
Yeas: _10___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
11. Chairman’s Report-Update
- Top Level Summary – Final
- Provide update on Laracy Associates, LLC Consultant’s Report
- Projected Proposal property tax analysis – before MTA Equalization
- 2019 Commission Projection
- 2019 Municipal Consultant Projection
- Projected Proposal property tax analysis – after MTA Equalization
- 2019 Commission Projection
- 2019 Municipal Consultant Projection
- Discuss conversations with Mark Magyar
- Update OPRA details – DCA data, Emails and Notification file (Roxbury and Mount Arlington).
- Provide update on DCA Report – 2 months overdue with final draft
- Review Management Consultants Report
12. Committee Reports – ALL REPORTS ARE FINALIZED
a. Data Collection – Chair Craig Heard
b. Municipal Government – Chair Laurel Whitney
c. Education – Chair Gene Paradiso
d. Finance/Administration – Chair Jerry Frisco
e. DPW / Utilities – Chair Paula Danchuk
f. Police/Fire/EMS – Chair Larry Millus
g. Personnel – Chair Vincent Reilly
h. Shared / Social Services – Chair Jerry Frisco
13. Old/Unfinished Business
14. New Business
A version of the resolution below was brought to the floor and discussion followed as to wording. Changes were made.
2019-18 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission, now referred to as “Commission”, will take the following action;
Whereas, the DCA has advised the Commission that our report was well done and their revised DCA report has not been completed yet; and
Whereas, discussions are continuing regarding changes needed to be made to the Consolidation Statute (40A:65-25-29) to address the penalty of equalization and to encourage Consolidation of municipalities and schools; and
Whereas, the Commission and Matt Laracy, Consultant, has identified a significant property tax reduction for both Roxbury and Mount Arlington before applying equalization under the Statute; and
Whereas, the Commission would need more time for changes to occur in the Statute by the DCA, State Legislature or by other ratifications to encourage incentives for consolidation of municipalities and schools; and
Whereas, the deadline is August 15, 2019 for the Commission to have voted to register to be on the November 2019 ballot, if approved by a majority vote of the Commission; and
Whereas, before the Commission can vote to determine whether or not municipal consolidation should be placed on the November 2020 ballot, additional time is needed for the Commission to finalize the updated savings and to see if the potential changes identified above will be made to encourage incentives for municipal consolidation ;
Therefore, the Commission hereby requests an extension from the DCA to extend the Commissions’ term until December 31, 2020.
Motion: Paula seconded: Fran
Roxbury Municipal Commissioner / Alt: Bob D N / Dan K ___
Mount Arlington Commissioner / Alt: Melissa F ___ / Lee L N
Roxbury Commissioners: Fran D Y Larry M Y Laurel W. Y Craig H Y
Mount Arlington Commissioners: Paula D Y Jerry F Y Vincent R Y Gene P Y
Alt: Nancy A ___
Yeas: 8 Nays: 2 Abstain:
15. Public Comment
The following people provided comments – Andy Mars, Sheila Student, Charles Squires, Moti Almakias, Brian Kincaid, Kim Serock, Krista Anderson, Karen Meehan, Bill Haly, Monica Rolland, Dan Cabassa
Monica Rolland – Superintendent of Mount Arlington offered the BOE to meet with our Education Committee to go over student population numbers
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