Regular Meeting of the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission
Roxbury Recreation Office
72 Eyland Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
7pm to 10pm
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. NJ Open Public Meetings Law
a. This meeting has been advertised and is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act,” P.L. 1975, c. 231
4. Roll Call
Paula D. Fran D. Melissa F. Jerry F. Craig H. Larry M. Gene P. Vincent R. Laurel W. Dan K. Bob D. Nancy A. Lee L.
5. Introduction of Elected Officials and/or Recognition of Their Representatives
6. Election and Installation of Officers, If Applicable
7. Introduction of Guest Speaker or Presentation, If Applicable
8. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limited to 3 Minutes per Person)
9. Secretary’s Report
a. 2018-23 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for August 22, 2018. NOTE: see attached, -
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
b. 2018-24 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for September 12, 2018. NOTE: see attached,
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
c. 2018-25 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the minutes for October 10, 2018. NOTE: see attached,
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
10. Treasurer’s Report
Bank Account Balance - $8,669.63 As of Dec. 31, 2018
Donations - $0.00
Expenditures - None
2018-26 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the Treasurer’s Report for period August 1 to November 30, 2018. See attached
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
11. Chairman’s Report-Update
Committee reports – Status, Target Completion Date
Roxbury: Police/Fire/EMS, Personnel, DPW - Completed
MTA: Personnel, DPW, Budget - Completed
Consultants Status Report
Update from Consultants
Insurance Renewed
Final Committee Top Level Report completed, ready to share with DOE & DCA
Update OPRA details- Roxbury BOE – No school level budgets, MTA Budget Dept. level details (as discussed at joint meeting on Dec 4, 2018).
DCA extension
12. Committee Reports – Open Discussion
a. Data Collection – Chair Craig Heard
b. Municipal Government – Chair Laurel Whitney
c. Education – Chair Gene Paradiso
d. Finance/Administration – Chair Jerry Frisco
e. DPW / Utilities – Chair Paula Danchuk
f. Police/Fire/EMS – Chair Larry Millus
g. Personnel – Chair Vincent Reilly
h. Shared / Social Services – Chair Jerry Frisco
2018-XX RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission - enter into Executive Session to discuss -
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
2018-XX RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission - Close Executive Session and return to OPEN -
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
14. Old/Unfinished Business
15. New Business
2018-27 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the 2019 Regular Meeting schedule – see attached
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
2018-28 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the submission of our Committee reports to DOE & DCA
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
2018-29 RESOLVED, that the Roxbury Mount Arlington Consolidation Study Commission approves the request for an extension up to 12/31/2019 to the DCA in case we can not utilize the Primary election cycle for a Consolidation vote
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain:
16. Public Comment
17. Adjournment : pm
Motion: seconded:
Paula D. ___ Fran D. ___ Melissa F. ___ Jerry F. ___ Larry M. ___ Vincent R. ___ Laurel W. ___ Dan K. ___ Bob D. ___ Nancy A. ___ Lee L. ___ Gene P. ___ Craig H. ___
Yeas: _ ___ Nays: _______ Abstain: